Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater MASTERCLASS - Cologne 2017

Alvin Ailey has been enriching the heritage of modern American dance for more than 50 years. He also has a unique vision: “Dance is for everybody“. With this vision, Alvin Ailey and his dancers have forever changed the perception of American dance. The company performs modern dance with ballet, hip-hop and contemporary influences. Today, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is the most successful international dance company in America.

The legendary New York dancers will be performing in Germany in summer 2017. sieben8 and The Dance Floor are organising an exclusive masterclass in Cologne on behalf of BB Promotion given by Rehearsal Director Matthew Rushing, who will be teaching participants – advanced to professional-level dancers – about the spirit of Alvin Ailey. The masterclass students won't just be learning fantastic moves, they'll also take away this insight: “Dance is communication“.

  • Client

    Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, BB Promotion, Dance school The Dance-Floor

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Schnitt: Nathaly Spechtmeyer

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